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- Amiga Bodyguard - Memory Protection System for the Amiga
- Features:
- Makes AmigaOS a reliable and stable system no more Guru
- messages caused by bad software inbuilt Enforcer-like function
- many configuration options automatical handling of most software
- errors inbuilt API for application programs fully compatible to
- existing software
- System Requirements:
- AmigaOS 3.x
- 68030, 68040 or 68060 with MMU
- 4MB FastRAM
- AVAILABLE: May 1998
- Other news about this interesting program on :
- Http://www.schatztruhe.de/
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- Amiga Forever
- The Amiga Emulator CD-ROM
- Cloanto acquired from the group of owners of Amiga technology
- Gateway 2000, Inc., Amiga International, Inc. and Amiga, Inc.) a
- license covering all Amiga operating systems from version 1.0 to
- version 3.0, to be published by Cloanto in a package named
- "Amiga Forever". (A few minor files will be missing or changed as
- agreed in this license, without affecting the emulation's Amiga
- compatibility. China and certain neighboring regions are excluded
- by the license.)
- The license also covers Amiga ROMs, Amiga patents, the use of
- the "Amiga"trademark in "Amiga Forever" and "Amiga Explorer",
- the official "Powered by Amiga" logo, and other intellectual
- property and every permission required to legally publish a fully
- working Amiga emulator.
- Amiga Forever includes "Amiga Explorer", a new Amiga-to-PC
- networking software developed by Cloanto. The Amiga Explorer
- user interface is an object-oriented extension to the Windows
- Desktop, where the Amiga appears as a networked computer.
- The Amiga and the PC can be connected via a serial (null
- modem) or parallel (Windows/LapLink/InterLink/Norton standard)
- cable. A future upgrade, expected to be available later this year
- (at no cost to Amiga Forever users on the Cloanto web site), will
- extend the networking capabilities to support TCP/IP.
- Amiga Forever also includes a variety of famous old Amiga
- games, demos and other material of historical interest (with an
- exclusive, never before released, interview with the late Jay
- Miner, "Father of the Amiga"), plus Personal Paint and other
- up-to-date productivity software by Cloanto and other companies.
- The Amiga operating systems, ROMs, and Amiga emulation
- software are preinstalled on Amiga Forever for easy use and
- installation. The user just needs to insert the CD-ROM in a PC,
- and with one mouse click a fully working Amiga will appear on the
- screen. The Amiga emulation software includes for the first time
- drivers for Picasso 96 screen modes (up to 256 colors, as well as
- 16/24-bit true color modes, using an emulated graphics board),
- plus some features required for the ShapeShifterMacintosh II
- emulator to run in the Amiga emulation (sharing the emulation of
- the 68K CPU, which is not emulated twice).
- The initial release of Amiga Forever is scheduled to include a
- CD-ROM with software for the Amiga and the other platforms,
- plus a floppy disk with a copy of the Amiga-side networking
- software (for Amiga systems with no CD-ROM drive). The exact
- platforms which will be supported by the emulation software, in
- addition to Windows NT, Windows 9x, DOS, Power Macintosh
- and Linux, will be defined and announced shortly. The official
- Amiga Forever web address :
- http://www.cloanto.com/amiga/forever
- will allow users to obtain information and support, and to easily
- upgrade their software directly from the Internet. Available since
- end of February '98 for only DM 119,-
- Update v1.0 -> v2.0 only DM 50,-
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- Alive Mediasoft Split.
- Below is a press release I recently received from Andrew Reed, a
- former director of Alive Mediasoft. It would seem that he has
- decided to go his own way a open up a new company called
- Crystal Software. Alive Mediasoft will still continue trading, but only
- as a mail order company.
- As for the games that Alive were die to publish, these will now be
- published by the news company, Crystal software.
- Alive Mediasoft Ltd Press Release.
- All of you know that Alive Mediasoft Ltd has obtained great respect
- in the Amiga market in the Eight months of trading. Not only from
- the Amiga user of which Alive have as customers, but also from
- the other companies within the Amiga scene.
- Within these eight months Alive has grown at an astonishing rate.
- Our customer database is in its thousands, and the amount of
- potential game developers approaching Alive mediasoft Ltd with an
- aspiration of seeing their hard work becoming a comercial game
- has increased.
- Due to this success Alive Mediasoft Ltd have been placed at a
- junction in the road of its evolution. This juction puts a question
- before the four directors of Alive Mediasoft. This question was;
- Does Alive Mediasoft Ltd expand and concentrate on acheiving to
- be the best mail order company in the Amiga community or does it
- expand and become purely a publishing house ?
- The answer;
- This question was given serious thought by all concerned for a
- great deal of time, and the following is our answer. It was decided
- that the Amiga market does not have the kind of Mail order
- company that Alive has become, with its freindly service & staff that
- really know about the Amiga and the games that they sell. Alive
- was the first to offer a Classic Game search facility, others soon
- followed suit. Infact the Amiga market doesn't have a dedicated
- mail order company since the sad loss of Premier Mail order.
- I therefore decided that I would break away from Alive Mediasoft
- Ltd to concentrate purely on publishing.
- Oh No what about the Games Publishing?
- Due to the decision explained above, the publishing part of Alive
- Mediasoft Ltd, myself and team, will be leaving Alive Mediasoft Ltd
- to become a dedicated publishing house under a different name.
- This new company will be a seperate entity from Alive Mediasoft
- Ltd. What about the forthcoming Games? All the future releases
- from Alive Mediasoft Ltd, will now be published and released by my
- new company.This includes Gilbert Goodmate, Tank Goblins,
- Arcangel, plus two new titles in early development. It also includes,
- soon to be anounced, PC licenced conversions.
- Other information
- I would like to make clear that this split from Alive Mediasoft Ltd is
- to allow both parties involved to become the best in what they want
- to acheive, and is no way contrary to any rumours that may be
- generated after this split is made public. I would like to think that
- you will continue to give me the level of support you have given me
- when I was part of Alive Mediasoft Ltd. As I will continue to aspire
- to bring new and great titles to the Amiga platform of computers.
- Obviously the change over is not an easy thing, and therefore some
- time will be needed to get things up and running.This time will be to
- relocate to new premises, administration work, and to change the
- e-mail addresses and Web site. Therefore CRYSTAL SOFTWARE
- will be operating fully from 3rd March 1998.
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- Amiga Doom Update.
- It's been quite a while since I brought you any news on the state of
- the Doom ports. Well, since this last time a lot has happened.
- There are now 7 different ports in active development, of which
- two are for PPC machines. All of these are moving along very well
- and are not only giving all of the features of the orginal doom game
- to Amiga owners but also adding new features which haven't been
- seen before. Out of the seven ports that are available now the
- most popular is ADoom. This along with Doomattack has the
- fastest 68k engine, it also contains the unqiue features of being
- also to play the game on a higher screenmode. While all the other
- ports AND the original Lunix source only allow play in a 320x200,
- ADoom allows you to play the game in resolutions upto
- 1600x1280, this looks absoloutly brilliant but is slow even on an
- 060.
- Most of the ports are now at such a stage of optimisation that they
- are easily playable, full screen on a basic 030/50Mhz. Some of
- the higher ADoom resolutions are also playable on this spec
- machine allthough at least a 040 is recommended. Since Doom is
- alomst virtually made up from something called a WAD file, there
- have been many commercial and PD WADS created. All of the
- Doom ports allow you to use these. The Doom2, Final Doom and
- Ultimate Doom WADS are all reported to work, as are many of the
- free WADS that are available on the Internet. This virtually gives
- you a number of different games in one.
- ==============================================
- Genetic Species Update & New Screenshots.
- I'm sure all of you have heard about Genetic Species, if not, why
- not? It is one of the best looking games coming our way at the
- moment. Sadly, it has suffered some delays recently, however, this
- is only so the authors can make it as good as possible.
- The most recent that most of you will have seen of this game is the
- version 3 demo that was distributed on the Amiga Format CD and
- has also been on Vulcans other CD releases. This, however, is
- quite old now and there have been a massive amount of additions
- since this was released.
- The game now features around 12 different weapons including a
- plasma rifle, a flame thrower, an axe, a rocket launcher and the
- interestingly named drill weapon to name just a few. you can be
- assured, there will be no lack of tools to kill the enemy with.
- While on the subject of enemy characters, there is now a total of
- around different enemys featured in the game. These range from
- the plain old corpes to the weird looking huggers. The graphics
- engine has had a lot of work done on it, especially for specific
- processors. The game is running fast on just a resonable Amiga
- configuration now, and if you have a high powered Amiga you are
- in for an excellent experience. The graphics engine boasts such
- things as texture reflection/refraction, distance shading, shot
- lightsourcing and much more.
- Another aspect that has been improved on is the enemy AI. This
- has received a lot of work to make it as realistic as possible.
- Things such as Retreat, Hide, Roam and group fighting have been
- added to make the enemy as hard as possible to beat, you won't
- find stupid enemys that just stand there waiting for you to kill them
- in this game. Other things that has been implemented includes
- speech samples, introduction of the probe takeover system,
- support for 3 button mice ( There is joystick and keyboard support
- too ) and much more. Currently the game is looking like being
- released sometime on March although this is yet to be confirmed.
- For more information about the game check out the webpage of
- the games Developer, Marble Eyes :
- http://www.marble-eyes.dk Genetic Species Developer Webpage.
- Also you can check out the webpage of its publisher, Vulcan at :
- Http://www.vulcan.co.uk - Vulcan Webpage.
- ==============================================
- World of Amiga 1998 Announced.
- The World of Amiga show for 1998 has at last been announced. It
- will take place on the 15th-17th of May at the Novotel in London,
- England. There are lots of plans for the show including big give
- aways and a Quake competition. Other plans include a devcom
- being a part of a schedule and also something which will be of
- interest to Uk football fans, there will hopefully be a live screening
- of the FA Cup final on a large screen, of course the compulsary
- beer bar will be there too. I will bring you more details of specifics
- concerning the show as soon as I have them, for now, just make
- sure you leave space in your diary in the middle of May.
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- News Shorts.
- Genetic Species Demo
- The Genetic Species version 3 demo has finally been released on
- Aminet. It was formally only available from the Amiga Format CD
- christmas edition or on Vulcans CD game releases. Although the
- demo has only just been released, it is already quite old, for more
- information look at the update I done on the game last week. At the
- moment the game is looking like being released in early March.
- Scrap Metal
- You may not have heard much about this game, it is a Command &
- Conquer games in development by Desktop Corruption (The same
- people behinf Dafel: Bloodline). Anyway, I was due to be bringing
- you news on it a while ago, however, there were problems with the
- coder of the game. This has now been sorted so look out for news
- regarding the game soon.
- Great Nations
- You may remember this from a feature I done on it a while ago.
- For those that do not know, it is a Civilization clone, with a major
- difference, it can be played online. Anyway, there has been a new
- demo of it released recently and it is looking very good.
- Max Rally
- I have just received a playable demo of this game, first impressions
- are quite good, I will let you know what I think after I have had
- more time to look at it.
- MegaBlast
- This is a game that has already been released by APC&TCP and
- will soon be released by Islona in the Uk. It is a Bomberman type
- game, as for if it reaches the heights that Blitzbombers has - we'll
- have to wait and see.
- Thats it for now....